Apply here
- Early bird (over 10% cheaper)
- registration deadline - March 8th
- decision notification - March 22nd
- Regular
- registration deadline - April 19th
- decision notification - April 30th
- Deadline for paying the registration fee - May 16th
Participation fee
- Early bird, academia: 350 EUR
- Regular, academia: 400 EUR
- Early bird, non-academia: 700 EUR
- Regular, non-academia: 800 EUR
The fee includes participation in the summer school, all the program events, coffee and lunch breaks every day, as well as a party during the school. Other than that, it does not include any substantial food provision (i.e., breakfast or dinner).
Estimated additional costs (on the higher end of the spectrum):
- 1 EUR ~= 4.2 PLN
- Accommodation in a hostel: 1 person room 250PLN/night, 2 people room 175PLN/person/night
- Food: 150PLN/day
- Public transport: 60PLN / week
- More about prices in Kraków
Application instructions
- To apply for summer school, fill out this form.
- Since the number of people who can attend the summer school in person is limited, we will only be able to accept selected applications.
- the applicants are required to submit a PDF with a poster describing their research. The quality of the poster will be the most important decision factor.
- A poster can be about one of the two following topics (choose ONLY ONE):
- [Research] Your own project related to Machine Learning or applications of ML / Data science to Chemistry, Biology, and other school-related themes. If you have worked on any research projects in the past, we recommend choosing this option.
- [Reproduction] a project reproducing the results of a paper published by someone else in a top conference or journal (e.g. NeurIPS, ICML, ICLR, CVPR, ICCV, ECCV, AAAI, ACL, EMNLP, TPAMI, JMLR, TMLR) in the past 5 years.
- Poster tips:
- The poster has to be self-explanatory, i.e., the viewer should be able to understand the general idea without oral explanations.
- There are a lot of resources for preparing good posters, e.g., this ETH guide.
- If you’re looking for inspiration, on the websites of NeurIPS, ICML, and ICLR conferences you can find some of the posters presented in previous years.
- Technical requirements:
- Use any tools you want to prepare the poster – Latex, Google Slides, Adobe Photoshop, etc.
- You can use any format for the poster you want. Both vertical and horizontal are OK. If in doubt, we recommend 91cm (H) x 61cm (W) (slightly bigger than A1).
- Evaluation criteria:
- Topic - Ideally about works at the intersection of ML and drug design or science in general, although pure-ML presentations are also OK.
- Quality of explanation - Ideally, a person with a basic background in ML and science should be able to understand the poster. It’s okay to simplify certain things if it helps convey the message.
- Technical correctness - Are the concepts presented in the poster explained correctly? Is the crucial work cited property? It’s okay to cite only 2-3 most relevant works.
- General presentation - Preparing your own figures as a visual aid is a plus.
- Novelty - if the poster describes your own work, bonus points might be added for originality, scope, etc.
- Brevity - Max character limit: 5000 characters. Don’t feel obligated to fill in the full 5000 characters, 2000 characters are also fine if the main ideas are well presented.
- In addition to the poster, we ask you to prepare a short statement about your research interests. A few sentences (max 2000 characters, but don’t feel pressured to use all available space): describe your research interests, projects related to ML you worked on or would like to work on, and motivation for attending the summer school.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
If this page doesn’t include all the information you need, please send your questions to, we will answer as soon as possible and add the missing information.
Q: Can I receive an invoice for the registration fee?
A: Yes, when paying the registration fee through the Evenea platform, select “I want to receive an invoice” and provide the required information.
Q: Can I get a refund of the registration fee if I’m not able to attend the school?
A: Yes, refunds of the registration fee are possible and will be considered if a justifiable reason is provided (e.g., health issues or unexpected personal circumstances). Refund requests must be submitted no later than one month before the event, otherwise, due to the organization costs already incurred (catering and venue services), we will not be able to provide a refund.
Q: Is it safe to be in Kraków right now given the Russian invasion of Ukraine?
A: Yes, as of now, the situation in Poland is completely safe!
The application process for MLSS^S is based on the one from the EEML summer school. We kindly thank the organizers of EEML for sharing their expertise with us.